
comments 4
aesthetics / communication / mathematics / technology
Nils Guadagnin, Hanging stone, 2014 Mousse polyuréthane, bois, électroaimant, 28 x 28 x 125 cm

Nils Guadagnin, Hanging stone, 2014
Mousse polyuréthane, bois, électroaimant, 28 x 28 x 125 cm

Demodulation. There is always a monadic resonance to which a repetition is coupled in order to form a motor or compose an operational line, assembling at the limit a free phylum of machine interconnectivity. Every machine an operator or operand of another functional aggregate, assigned to an eternal repetition of variability, sweeping out a transversal trajectory through a self-constructing milieu of heterogeneous forces. The abstract machine injects new consistencies into turbulence, extruding flowing lines of fusion and mixture or extracting curved planes of development and organization; filtering out novel functions, concepts or compositions, refactoring or creating in contact with an outside. But does the abstract machine not express mutability in another way — by extending and exponentiating the variadic series of genetic practices (art, science, philosophy…)? Decrypting the image of thought again, in a virtual torsion of equal depth and power — art, science, philosophy, x…? Yet again is it not also the shadow falling upon the modulation of knowledges, eclipsing every enclosed topology determining discursive territories or structuring disciplinary forms? An abstract machine is indeed the shadow of a people to come, of a cosmic science-art-philosophy; unleashing at least in its virtual potentiality a deimaged and meteoric creativity, with a future beyond the terrestrial continuum of variadic practices and discourses.

Atlas of light. An adequately consistent plane of functional emulation opens radically onto the outside, activates imperceptible potentialities and sets continuous transformations into flight. And what permits abstract coding processes to condition and mutate collective formations — to program consciousnesses, cultures, communities; a cosmos? An abstract rewriting machine inevitably forms diagrammatic filters for recapturing leaked intensities, but also uncovers the infinite creative variability of immanent genetic engines; and with a newly detached, “absolute” (since auto-consistent), and irreducibly ironic precision. The processor emulates with arbitrary depth of precision but achieves self-consistency only through the controlled modulation of a plane of free expression, decoupling the sensible forms of contents from the forces of expression, distributing conjugations and divergences or mutating consistencies in depth. An operating system composes an open multiverse. In open functional fusion, lines of indirection erupt into accelerating loops. Virtual particles at infinite speeds escape. The absolute openness of the lambda calculus (and equivalently the Turing machine) expresses itself as the production of new worlds. Folding the sky, decoding a cosmos into a series of protocols, emulating any process which may be adequately specified, representation accelerates to an internal limit of transmutation and reproduction. Thus the imitating machine no longer simply orbits around fixed objects and icons but follows an a-signifying line of mixture, reaches the simulation threshold, becomes ontogenetic. Computation as wormhole: a black hole finally become subject to cautious analytic continuation — and thereby revealed to be coupled with an escape trajectory from the universe, releasing a line of inter-dimensional traversal or synthesis.

Oblique. Which abstract lines will unleash new potentials and permutational forces, passing beneath the frozen ocean of major concepts, affects, perceptions — burrowing beneath landscapes, making unrecognizable the faces that “everyone knows”? The oblique emerges only through immersion in the virtual; in irreversible contact with an immense gravity well; in orbital declination. An axis relates the remote and the proximal in an occluded or encrypted manner, passing directly through points at infinity or into pure singularities. From syntax to planetarity, obliquity propels phyla towards a universe along imperceptible inclinations. By encrypting a multiplicity of combinatorial relations, lines of fusion also dismantle redundant communicative lines in order to wire new circuitry, dissolving textual interpretations in resonant assemblages of enunciation. Prudently formulate resonant orbits, redouble by obliquely transpiercing. Conjoin axioms in a new algebra, decrypt morphisms and extrude mutable blocks; synthesize connections, expand the system of combinations. Diffract spatiotemporal and chronological axes into pure forces of an abstract type, convolute polarities into torsion or disjunction, experiment with intensive segments. Condition passages through coiled loops of time. Implacably descend like lightning down to Earth, or ascend perilously along angled sheets of rain towards rarefied air, overflowing with ambiguous, unformed or immaterial potencies.

The Author

mostly noise and glare


  1. This remnds me of ATP mixed with a fragment from a manifesto on unprecedented coding practices. I wonder if you can expand a bit on the ending where you take up the imperative voice. And can you say something about what I find to be a key word in is segment: variadic. This seems like a mathematical and coding vocabulary to reprise the theme of infinite variation, or multiplicity via resonating series. Also, as a non coder and programmer, can you say a word or two about what this points toward or away from (in terms of coding). In other words, what would “normal” programming look like without the variability and lines of flight you discuss here? Sorry for my layman approach! Just hoped this would allow you to expand in more everyday vernacular ;). Great post joe.

    • Hey thanks for the questions! I really would like to say something about the variadic, since it is important. The ‘variadic’ in computer science relates to the arity of a function, a count of the parameters or arguments a function takes. A variadic function permits variation over this arity, so a function can take a list of variable length.

      “Variadicity” then to me denotes something like the orientation towards parameters, whether the “arguments” are fixed or mobile.

      Is there any move possibly left for the creation of new functions, compositions, concepts? And what are they?

      Variadicity in this “noetic” sense takes up a movement towards the outside within the function, concept, composition.

      At some point I want “variadicity” then to mean something like the motion of the function itself; and I am tempted to suggest there is a “counterpart” social and psychic resonance of, e.g., a new mathematical proof.

      There is a pragmatic evaluation in terms of exploratory engagement regarding what can be created in heterogeneity with it, which reciprocally grounds and mutates the course of the investigation.

      Since we prescribe no orientation but merely measure a characteristic relation (in the mathematical case: towards fixed or variable number of variables…); there is a kind of singular essence to it, and in my mind it relates to a very ‘pure’ variability.

      I would really like to get this back to WIP quickly if I can. The variadic as I am trying to unpack it points to operations that alter the structure of the holes that will let chaos in; and that moves between functional, compositional, conceptual schemes. (It could also be called pure navigation, in this sense — folding the seas.)

      Variables are ‘holes’ poked into functions themselves. And this is even the reason functions are effective in the world, because they permit variable series to flow between maps and between functions themselves. The key thing to my mind here is this flow between informational hierarchies and nomenclatures, between arrangements of axes, indexes, classification, degrees of approximation or generality.

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